How does FSA/HSA Eligibility for the Prehab app work?
If you have access to a Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA) and you are a US resident, your future payments are likely eligible for reimbursement. Exercise is medicine and can often count for tax-free spending, letting you pay for the Prehab App as a qualified medical expense.
We’ve partnered with TrueMed to facilitate this process. They will help you obtain a letter of medical necessity, which will assist with making the Prehab App eligible for HSA/FSA use! TrueMed helps consumers save 30% with HSA/FSA-eligible purchases. Consumers' savings is usually equal to their income tax rate.

What are HSA & FSA rules with something like the Prehab App?
- The IRS dictates HSA & FSA legislature - TrueMed has a great legal overview as it relates to exercise.
- Regarding the Prehab App, digital physical therapy falls under the broader category of medical care, making it eligible for HSA & FSA use, provided it is part of a treatment plan or prescribed by a healthcare professional.
- While digital physical therapy is more clearly a medical expense, it is still a good idea to obtain a Letter of Medical Necessity from your healthcare provider. This letter should state that the app is part of your prescribed treatment plan for a specific medical condition (TrueMed will help with this).
Are there differences between HSA & FSA legislature?
- There are differences noted below between HSA & FSA accounts, but in both cases we do encourage you to get a Letter of Medical Necessity annually to ensure that the purchase of a Prehab App membership is eligible for HSA/FSA reimbursement!
- Reimbursement range may not be limited to only 30%.
- HSAs tend to be more flexible compared to FSAs. Some administrators may not require a Letter of Medical Necessity at all where other administrators may still want one, but it could be potentially obtained after your purchase.
- Some HSA administrators might require pre-approval before making the purchase, so it’s a good idea to check with them beforehand.
- While the likelihood of approval is higher for a digital physical therapy app, purchasing without a letter might still pose a risk of reimbursement claim denial if your HSA administrator requires additional proof of medical necessity as health, wellness, & fitness apps are often seen as general health expenses rather than specific medical expenses
- Once you have your prehab app membership receipt and your Letter of Medical Necessity, you can submit these to your HSA administrator for reimbursement.
- FSAs tend to be stricter compared to HSAs - requiring pre-approval for medical expenses.
- We strongly encourage FSA account holders to go through the process with TrueMed to ensure eligibility, receive a letter of medical necessity, sign up & purchase a Prehab App Membership, then submit for reimbursement!
‘How it works’ with [P]rehab & TrueMed
- TrueMed helps with providing a 'doctor's note' via a letter of medical necessity to leverage FSA/HSA. TrueMed basically takes the place of the users 'doctor' for the prehab user to get the letter of medical necessity
- To ensure HSA/FSA eligibility and receive a Letter of Medical Necessity - you will fill out a quick 2-minute survey and pay $15 USD. Your Letter of Medical Necessity is valid for 1 year.
- You can expect your letter from TrueMed in 24-48 hours in most cases as well as instructions for how to submit for reimbursement
- If you haven’t already, sign up for a Prehab App membership (annual will be easiest for submitting 1x/year) and once you have your purchase receipt, follow TrueMed’s reimbursement submission instructions.
- TrueMed does not facilitate reimbursement, so they can't make guarantees on timing there, but most people report receiving reimbursement in just a couple business days after submitting to their HSA/FSA providers.
- CLICK HERE to get instructions on this process